Saturday, March 10, 2007

It's gonna explode!?!!?

In this short, 36 second clip, a group of people are running away from the Twin Towers. The individual recording the mayhem asks, "What's going on?" and "Where's everybody going?" You can hear screams, you see people running and looking back, and you get a shot of the two towers smoldering from the airplane hits. What's odd is that someone said that they were going to "fall" and someone else said, "It's going to explode".

There are two very serious questions to ask about this.

a) Who told them the tower was going to "explode?"


b) Why wasn't anyone on the inside (like the firefighters) told that the building was going to explode?

And in case you wanted proof positive that there were bombs present, but were too skeptical to take any of the other evidence as it stands ... well this short clip of some firefighters talking when two very distinct explosions go off should just about do it.

But you know ... a couple of guys standing around, hearing two loud explosions just might not be good enough. Why don't we take it directly from the horses mouth ... like some firefighters telling this news crew that "there's a bomb in the building, start clearing out." In the background, you can distinctly hear someone say, "there's a secondary device." Excuse me? Secondary??? Why was none of this reported? Why didn't this even enter into the 9-11 commission report?

Oh, and by the way ... remember that clip I linked to earlier regarding some freemasons plotting to blow up the Sears Tower? Well, I did a little digging. Looks like Mr. Silverstein's investments are being tracked by terrorists, just so that they can destroy everything he owns. "The Hell?" you say? Let me break it down for you.

Larry Silverstein (who stated unequivocally that in reference to WTC 7 "the smartest thing to do would be to 'pull it', so we made the decision to pull and watched the building collapse") purchased the lease on WTC 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 of the WTC complex. Guess which buildings collapsed? How terribly unfortunate for Mr. Silverstein ... except,wait ... Mr. Silverstein invested only $14 million of his own money, and was awarded $5 billion in insurance monies after 9-11. But what does this have to do with the Sears Tower, you ask?

Looks like Silverstein and company made some investments in 2004 and purchased another rather tall American landmark. Given that the freemasons' attempt to orchestrate a bombing of the Sears Tower have been thwarted (knowlege which is now quasi public), the Tower itself may be safe. But isn't it rather interesting that another of Silverstein's investment properties would be the butt of yet another "terrorist" plot, and that those behind it would be involved in one of the shadiest and most powerful secret societies on earth?


At Sun Mar 11, 04:03:00 PM 2007, Blogger Scarcely Human said...

Very interesting indeed... Even my skeptic roommate read that and said "Hmm... it's definately plausable. I won't say it's true, but it IS plausable..."

Har Mr. Silverstein made any OTHER investiments we should keep an eye on? Or maybe he has... ah... "beefed up security" on his buildings after that last event.

Out of curiosity, have you heard of a man who calls himself "Maitraya"?

At Sun Mar 11, 05:50:00 PM 2007, Blogger Floaty said...

Is all building to speaking fall down? Maybe different post helpful, about roofs, new shed. What your company name?

At Tue Mar 13, 12:59:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's odd is that someone said that they were going to "fall" and someone else said, "It's going to explode".

What the hell is odd about that???

"Audio evidence on 9-11 of explosions going off are a srtong testimony to the presence of bombs."

WHAT!?!?!?!? Bombs? Sounded like a large bang or an explosion. How do you jusp to the conclusion that it was a bomb??? Ridiculous!

As for the one explosion in that clip, 1. how, HOW can you say that it came from thw WTC building and 2. where is the evidence that it was a planned demolition? Still no proof! You show a video where you hear a bang in the background. It could have been anything. You know how many miles of gas lines run under the city? And electric lines as well? You hear a bang and conclude: Building was DEFINITELY taken down by controlled demolition. There's NO WAY you can deny that "proof"! I hear a bang and have no way of knowing where it came from and what it was. Could have been a gas explosion. I wouldn't call that proof at all.

Bottom line is: no one knew what the heck they were dealing with on 9/11. No amount of training could prepare FDNY or NYPD (the 1st responders) for an attack of this scale. Speculation combined with fear to cause all sorts of strange reports to go out. Also, ever consider the fact that there were people flooding the emergency lines with all kinds of craziness too? Both in DC and in NY there were bomb threats. I couldn't believe people would call in and do that. Where there bombs? No, after the threats were checked into, no bombs were actually found. Don't you remember all the crazy stuff that went on that day????

Any one of those phone calls could have been a bomb threat (happens all the time) so, yeah, FDNY has to take all of that seriously and evacuate the area.

Please tell me you're not gullable enough to subscribe to the bomb theory on such ridiculous assertions and "proof".

At Tue Mar 13, 05:36:00 AM 2007, Blogger Mike said...

Um ... when a fireman says, "there's a bomb in the building." and someone else says they's found a "secondary device", I'd say that that is proof that they found a bomb.

At Wed Mar 14, 02:10:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone saying there's a bomb would be consistant with bomb threats that were numerous that day. The FDNY was clearing the area in case that turned out to be true. I ask again, don't you remember all of the craziness of that day?

Keep in mind that I have both FDNY and NYPD in my family. You'd be amazed at the stories they have from that day. Also, I have SEVERAL friends/family that were THERE. No one knew what was going to happen next. Everyone was a bundle of nerves. In fact, one of my friends was waiting on line to board a ferry to cross the Hudson to New Jersey. He was in a decent sized crowd because everyone was trying to get out of the city. Anyway, they heard a jet fly over and people started screaming. And my friend freaked out and seriously considered jumping into the river. (It was just an F-15.) Alot of my friends STILL get anxiety when a plane flies overhead. Many of those guys had a really hard time returning to work.

My point: no one knew what exactly was going on and what was to come. Even the FDNY and NYPD. So all the bomb threats had to be taken seriously. There were alot of false rumors that day.


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