Friday, March 02, 2007

No one could have predicted the collapse of WTC 7

Since my first post regarding the pre-reports of the collapse of WTC 7, my suppositions have been met with all sorts of hypotheses. Ironically, in just a short amount of time, these replies have already touched upon the first two of the Kubler-Ross stages of grief. The first stage is denial (The video footage was fake), and the second stage is anger (Why would you ever want to believe these reports?). I have no idea what forms the next three stages will take, but it certainly will make for good conversation.

Lately, it has been asserted that perhaps the reports were merely mistaken identity, or a miscommunication hitting the news wires (since the veracity of the reports can no longer be denied). However, there are some very strong reasons why this cannot be the case.

Aside from the fact that WTC 7 was not only identified by name and size in each of the three pre-knowledge videos (and was also stared at in the Aaron Brown video) there is other conclusive evidence that illustrates rather well the fact that if one were to assume the collapse of a building that day (never mind that no steel-framed building in the entire history of steel-framed construction has EVER collapsed as a result of fire), WTC 7 should have been at the very bottom of the list.

Proof against mistaken identity

Let's start with WTC 5 and 6. Rather than go through and discuss all of the far more damaged buildings that could have been considered "collapse risks", I shall illustrate my point with these two buildings.

As you can see from the picture here:

Building 6 (which is near the top of the image) and building 5 (which is the building below it) have massive amounts of damage resulting from falling debris. They were also the subjects of raging fires. Should anyone have been concerned about a building that was going to collapse, it would at least have been one of these two. But no mention of them was made, and there were no predictions about their imminent implosions.

In addition to buildings 5 and 6, buildings 3 and 4 were also severely damaged and engulfed in flame. But building 7 had little to no visible external damage, and the fires in the building were minor by comparison, as you can see here:

With no gaping holes in the top of the building, almost all windows intact, and a row of flames emanating from only a few floors (8 floors were reported to be on fire, and according to firefighter tapes, were "small pocket fires that should be pretty easy to contain), one has to wonder where the concern for the structural integrity of the building was coming from. In the image below, taken from above the building, you can see that the damage to the top of the building (presumably done by falling debris), is superficial at best, and it is rather plain that the structural integrity of the building was no where near being compromised.

The visible damage to this building, as compared with others should not have targeted it for an assumptive complete collapse. Remember, the three reports I posted all claimed that WTC "had collapsed" (including the Aaron Brown video, which was quickly converted to "or is collapsing" once he, and presumably the newsroom, could plainly see that WTC 7 was still standing), indicating that the entire building had imploded. Not partial-collapse. Not crumbled. These reports were about complete structural failure. Even if the fires had weakened the structural integrity of the building (which I am about to prove would have been quite impossible), no steel-framed building in the history of steel-framed buildings has EVER collapsed as a result of fire!!! In other words, there is no historical precedent for the assumption that it would happen here, whether the assumption came from firemen, policemen, or newspapermen. The bottom line is, they shouldn't have even been able to guess that this could happen.

Proof against pre-knowing WTC 7 would collapse

Not only should no one have known that WTC 7 would collapse as a result of fire, but the very likelihood that the building should fall in a completely uniformed manner (as a result of fire) is scientifically impossible. Here's why. When a building is on fire, the environment is uncontrolled. The burning fires will be uneven, the heat displacement will be uneven, and therefore the damage to the structural integrity of the building will be uneven. As a result, any heat-weakened steel supports would warp unevenly. Even if the fire were hot enough to melt the steel supports, their collapse would have been on an individual basis, not a universal one. In other words, the collapse would have been uneven at best. But for this particular building, the likelihood of that ever happening is exponentially less than most.

This article from the new york times, dated Feb 19, 1989 shall make the case for me. The article, entitled, "COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: The Salomon Solution; A Building Within a Building, at a Cost of $200 Million", has this to say:

BEFORE it moves into a new office tower in downtown Manhattan, Salomon Brothers, the brokerage firm, intends to spend nearly two years and more than $200 million cutting out floors, adding elevators, reinforcing steel girders, upgrading power supplies and making other improvements in its million square feet of space...
In some office buildings, that alteration would be impossible, but Silverstein Properties tried to second-guess the needs of potential tenants when it designed Seven World Trade Center as a speculative project.

''We built in enough redundancy to allow entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building's structural integrity, on the assumption that someone might need double-height floors,'' said Larry Silverstein, president of the company. ''Sure enough, Salomon had that need...

MORE than 375 tons of steel - requiring 12 miles of welding - will be installed to reinforce floors for Salomon's extra equipment. Sections of the existing stone facade and steel bracing will be temporarily removed so that workers using a roof crane can hoist nine diesel generators onto the tower's fifth floor, where they will become the core of a back-up power station.
With that kind of reinforcement, there is NO WAY there could have been a universal, symmetrical collapse. But for no less than 3 separate news stations to report on the universal and total collapse of WTC 7, before the fact, when many other buildings were in far greater danger of falling, and in light of the fact that a universal and symmetrical collapse of WTC 7 would have been impossible ... whoever sent out the report MUST have known of a scheduled collapse.

The bottom line is ... the building was demolished, and its collapse was NOT the result of fire.


At Fri Mar 02, 04:16:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few points:

* The reason it is so unusual for steel frame buildings to collaps is that they are, under normal circumstances, not permitted to go on burning for hours on end. Because of the total chaos going on on 9/11, WTC 7 WAS allowed to burn while firemen concerned themselves with more important matters.

* You can CLAIM that there is only minor fire damage. I still see fires raging on multiple floors in the photo you posted. The fact that YOU SAY these fires I see are not serious does not make them so.

* WTC 7 housed several generators that ran on liquid fuel (deisel, I think). The fuel from these generators apparently fed the fire.

* We do not hav a clear picture of the side of the building that faced Ground Zero, but that is apparently where a lot of the exterior damage would have been visible.

* There is still no evident reason why there would have been a conspiracy to pull WTC 7 and then cover it up from the public. After the Twin Towers fell, everything else was anti-climax. If the conspirators wanted to galvanize the public, pulling WTC 7 was hardly worth the effort after they succeeded in crashing the planes into 1 and 2.

At Fri Mar 02, 04:39:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike. Seriously, watch Aaron Brown again, he's reading stuff off the news wire which is in constant flux. Pre-knowledge it was not. It's a normal news cast! Sheesh.

Stages of grief? You're throwing that one out there? WHAT? THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY! No, but seriously, My anger is that you keep making a simple newscast into something it wasn't. My "denial" comes in a similar form. I deny the horseshit allegation that Aaron Brown or any other news caster had pre-knowledge of a collapse. What they DID have was info that there was alot of structural uncertainty, and all they talked about all day long was other buildings could collapse. All you need it one news flash across the wires and everyone jumps out and reports inaccurately. I'm now at the point where I don't believe you actually but into foreknowledge. There's denial, if you want it. I can't believe you would hold onto this ridiculous assertion.

At Fri Mar 02, 04:42:00 PM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you even watch the news on 9/11? Because I sure as hell did. Well into the night. I was glued to the TV along with Jason, Ryan and Margaret. Did you have a tv? How much coverage did you watch? Just curious.

At Fri Mar 02, 05:12:00 PM 2007, Blogger Mike said...

I was working at RMA at the time. I was actually alseep until my mom woke me up with a call, telling me that the second tower had just collapsed. I didn't even know the first one had collapsed, or that there was a problem at all.

From that point on, though, I was practically glued to the tv down in the recroom. One thing that stands out in my mind is watching the ticker tape at the bottom of CNN's live coverage where all the nations were sending us their condolences, like, "France sends their prayers," "England sends their thoughts and prayers, "Iraq: Israel did it".

Anyway, I'll respond to points later this weekend.

At Sat Mar 03, 12:11:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At Sat Mar 03, 03:38:00 AM 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Respond chiefly to Ryan, he makes all the good points that I would have hit on as well.

At Sat Mar 03, 08:27:00 PM 2007, Blogger Ben Hatke said...

Mike, are we still talking about the ahead of time report?

Just for my sake can you follow the trail of logic that accepts that a lowly BBC newscaster would know about the conspiracy ahead of time but, say, your mom didn't?

I mean if the BBC newroom knows aobut the tower collapse ahead of time... just tell me what that means?

At Sun Mar 04, 01:08:00 AM 2007, Blogger Mike said...

Just for my sake can you follow the trail of logic that accepts that a lowly BBC newscaster would know about the conspiracy ahead of time but, say, your mom didn't?

Ben, I'm not claiming that reporter lady was in on a vast conspiracy that involves a billion people, but excludes a small group like us. She got her information from the newswire, which basically tells her what to report on (and in many cases, what to say on a teleprompter). Whoever sent the information to the newswire muct have known that WTC 7 was going to collapse because there is no way it could have been predicted to fall merely as a result of fire. That takes a psychic with some serious ability. It was not a case of "mistaken identity" because they identified it by height as well as by name. And if there were any buildings that should have been suspected of being ready to collapse, it should have been buildings 4, 5, or 6, which had sustained MASSIVE damage and had been burning for just as long.

The reporter lady was reporting on what she was told. She didn't know any better. Whoever sent the report across the newswire (and there are verifiers checking sources and credentials for the veracity of reports before they go out) said that WTC 7 had collapsed (past tense). This was an anticipated event, and you can't anticipate something that has never happened before in the entire history of steel-framed buildings. Someone knew what was about to happen, and the report got out sooner than intended. Pretty simple.

At Mon Mar 05, 11:52:00 AM 2007, Blogger Ben Hatke said...

Awesome, You shaved maybe a couple thousand people (lowlevel reporters) out of the conspiracy. Keep following the logic man... I mean you Admit to the fact-checkers. Were THEY in on it?

At Mon Mar 05, 12:08:00 PM 2007, Blogger Mike said...

They don't have to be. They send out what they are told by editors. Does that mean that editors are in on it? They don't have to be because they do what they are told by executives. Are the executives in on it ... maybe, but more than likely, media moguls like Ted Turner give direct orders that certain things be printed and certain things not be printed, and the heirarchy does the rest.

For example:
Ted Turner tells his executives to have a story ready on the collapse of WTC 7. They don't ask questions, they just do it. The executives tell their editors to have something ready. The editors don't ask questions, they just do it. Then someone f's up and the report goes out on the newswire too soon, since the fact checkers were told to allow a report on the collapse of WTC 7 to go through when it came up, the reporters got it too soon, and started reporting on it before the fact.

Bottom line ... NO one could have rpedicted the collapse of WTC 7. Since it was reported in the past tense, someone knew it was going to happen. Do I know who? No. Do I know that it couldn't have been predicted? Yes. Logic says:

1) Steel framed buildings do not completely collapse as a result of fire.

2) 3 people report on the complete collapse of a building as a result of fire before it happens.

3) Since no one can predict the complete collapse of a building as a result of fire, and three people do predict the complete collapse of a building as a result of fire, whoever told those three people that the building was going to collapse knew something specific about the building that would cause its collapse.

4) Since fire alone cannot cause complete, symmetrical, uniform, and synchronized collapse of a building (especially one with enough redundancy built into its superstructure to allow for the removal of entire floors without damaging the overall stability of the building) then whoever gave out the initial report that WTC 7 "had collapsed" knew that the building was going to be demolished.

This really isn't all that complicated.


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